In-ear vs Over-ear Headphones for Video Editing

February 01, 2022

In-ear vs Over-ear Headphones for Video Editing

When it comes to video editing, having a reliable pair of headphones is essential. They help you to catch every detail and to make the necessary adjustments to create high-quality content. There are two main types of headphones - in-ear and over-ear. But which is better for video editing? Let's compare them and find out!

In-ear Headphones

In-ear headphones, also known as earbuds, are a popular choice for listening to music and podcasts. They are compact, lightweight, and can fit snugly in your ear. When it comes to video editing, the main advantage of in-ear headphones is their ability to block out external noise. This means you can focus on your work without any distractions.

However, there are some drawbacks to using in-ear headphones for video editing. While they may be great at blocking out external noise, they can also amplify the sound of your own breathing and movement. This can be distracting and make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. In addition, in-ear headphones may not provide the same level of comfort as over-ear headphones when worn for extended periods.

Over-ear Headphones

Over-ear headphones, as the name suggests, completely cover your ears, providing a more immersive listening experience. They are larger and bulkier than in-ear headphones, but they offer better sound quality, particularly in terms of bass and low-frequency tones. Over-ear headphones also provide more comfort, as they distribute the weight evenly across your head.

When it comes to video editing, over-ear headphones have a clear advantage in terms of sound quality and comfort. They are also less likely to pick up the sound of your own breathing and movement, which can be distracting when working on a project.

Which is Better for Video Editing?

Both in-ear and over-ear headphones have their pros and cons when it comes to video editing. In-ear headphones are great for blocking out external noise, but the amplified sound of your own movement can be distracting. Over-ear headphones provide better sound quality and comfort but are bulkier and less portable.

Ultimately, the choice between in-ear and over-ear headphones comes down to personal preference. If you value portability and noise-canceling capabilities over sound quality and comfort, in-ear headphones might be the better choice for you. But if you prioritize sound quality, comfort, and immersive listening experience, you might want to consider over-ear headphones instead.


  • Elert, G. (2011). Earbuds and headphones. Physics & Society, 40(3), 5-5. Link
  • Chandler, D. (2013). The science of headphones: What are the best headphones for music production? DJ Mag, 5. Link

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